As some of you may know, when I use the public restroom I like to line the front of the toilet bowl with toilet paper to eliminate any pee splashes. I am also an edge sitter— I sit at the edge of my seat. When you combine those two, I

Spicy Butt

I had spicy Sichuan cuisine for lunch today. I’m sure you know what that means. I had spicy Sichuan diarrhea a few hours after lunch today. It was red, oily, and watery. When I wiped, it looked like my butt on was on her lumpy period. The toilet looked like

Plops Away!

Have you ever had a poop where it was so awesome you are still thinking about it hours after you’ve dumped? I ate a huge dinner Saturday night consisting of chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, cornbread, broccoli cheese ‘n rice casserole, and lots and lots of gravy. I