Hamburgers are one of my favorite foods. I ate one yesterday. It was delicious, and everything was fine until 7 hours later my intestines started twisting and bubbling and I had explosive diarrhea at the exact same time my favorite show was about to start. I pushed it out and
Good morning!
I guess something really was plugged up my butt when I couldn’t poop for those days. Now that I’m unclogged, I’m back to my normal pooping schedule. I dropped my usual deuce this morning… it’s such a great way to start the day.
I pooped!
Oh, happy day. I pooped! And yes, it was triple times the mega-poop I usually poop. But no clogged toilets thanks to industrial strength flushes here at the office. The poop came out just as I imagined, fast and with a purpose. It wanted to get the hell out of