November has not been a good month for me. I have not pooped at all this month. Granted, it is only day three of November, but three days of not pooping means three days of poop being stored inside me, and that is disgusting. I think it has to do
Beer Shits
I have never been a fan of alcoholic drinks. #1- I don’t like the taste of alcohol. #2- Alcohol gives me the beer shits. It doesn’t matter what kind of beverage I consume. Beer, wine, mixed drinks, cocktails.. the alcohol does not sit well with my insides, and by the
Poo Artist
I was at a baby shower last weekend, and the host tasked us to draw something cute on a onesie for the mom-to-be. I drew a big squishy turd. It was totally cute. Latecomers to the party who saw the onesie drying in the corner automatically knew I was the