I took a flight not long ago, and as usual, I peed 10 minutes before boarding time to avoid using the tiny airplane bathrooms. I had a lot of urine buildup because I hadn’t peed for a couple hours before this particular potty break. The bathroom was large and had
2 AM, Delirious, and Covered in Pee
I was on a very late flight last night. As usual, I relieved myself 10 minutes before boarding time so that I wouldn’t have to pee on the plane. Unfortunately, the plane was delayed without a definite time of departure so we were all told not to wander too far
Mile High Pee Party
I don’t like using the bathroom on planes. If I have to fly, I will use the toilet at the airport 10 minutes before boarding in order to avoid having to go during the flight. I took an early morning flight a few days ago, so I slept most of