I should really learn to poop before I go on my run. I had turtle head for three miles not too long ago. I decided against running six miles just to alleviate the strain on my bunghole. Only smart thing I’ve done so far today.
turtle head
Over-the-Hump Wednesday
The turtle decided to pop it’s head out again. This time I was able to push it all out. It took a bit of effort because it was a ginormous turtle head. It must have bit me as it came out ’cause I saw a small amount of hemoglobin on
Terrible Tuesday
I ran six miles, and I had to poo the entire time. Yep. Monster turtle head. Somehow towards the end of my sixth mile, the turtle retracted it’s head. So when I went to poo immediately after my run (I usually like to wait ’til I dry the sweat off