2014 has been an uneventful year as far as poops go, but I guess it has only been 25 days. I haven’t had any significant bowel movements or life-changing poops worth mentioning, hence the my non-activity on this site. But since the month is ending soon, I didn’t want to
Happy New Year!
There aren’t that many public restrooms in NYC, so when you have the squirts you are basically shit out of luck in finding a bathroom. This is especially true around the holidays when the city is even more over-populated with tourists, and everyone is crowded into the one bathroom that
Phantom Splashes
When I’m about to drop a phat turd, I get splash anxiety. I know from past experiences (and common sense) that when I shit a brick, it’ll fall hard and toilet water will splash all over my cheeks. When I’m dumping in a public restroom, I will line the top