in the year 2000, i read The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien in it’s entirety while on the toilet. every time i had to go number two, i read as many pages as i could until my thighs went numb. i loved every page i read, so i couldn’t
fashion dilemma
long cardigans & scarves. i love both these articles of clothing, but they totally suck when it comes to pooping and wiping.. you have hold onto the scarf so that the end of it doesn’t touch the front of the toilet bowl, and you also have to hold onto your
please, ladies
it’s disgusting going into a woman’s bathroom stall to find a toilet seat covered in pee. it especially sucks when you’ve got to go really really badly and there isn’t a second to spare to wipe the seat down before your bladder explodes. ladies, i understand that sitting on a