After I woke up this morning, I produced my morning pee and farted a nice long intestine-deflating fart. It was almost like a wet bean fart, but it wasn’t wet. As I looked down to wipe, I saw a big nasty bug in the toilet that I didn’t notice before
shitty mondays
i peed this morning (at home) and sat on the toilet a little longer to check my email from my phone. then without warning, i made ploppies in the toilet. it was totally unexpected, but awesomely awesome. not a bad start to a monday. btw – i washed my hands
get up get get down
i love saturdays. i love it because i get to sleep in, i don’t have to work or think of anything work-related, i can do whatever the hell i want, and i can stay up late because tomorrow is sunday. but i love saturdays mostly because it is mega-bowel movement