Holy crap. The celery from lunch is still working. I just took my second silky dump of the day thanks to my fibrous friend. When I looked down into the bowl, I even saw celery fibers sticking out of the smooth log. It was a disgusting yet beautiful site. Thank
I pooped!
Oh, happy day. I pooped! And yes, it was triple times the mega-poop I usually poop. But no clogged toilets thanks to industrial strength flushes here at the office. The poop came out just as I imagined, fast and with a purpose. It wanted to get the hell out of
Bad Dream
I think I have an unhealthy fear of dirty public bathrooms. I often have reoccurring dreams where I’m not at home and need to pee very badly, so I find a public restroom. They all look about the same in my dreams.. they are dark, dingy, and dirty. In the