Does eating Lucky Charms cereal, particularly the green clovers marshmallows (not alone but along with the rest of the cereal) turn your poop green? I just went number three (diarrhea) and it was green. Really green. Grass green. It even turned the toilet water a tint of puke green. I
Is this day over yet?
Most of my female coworkers know which stall I like to use in the office bathroom. No, not because I share potty secrets with them.. I’ve worked here long enough that they’ve seen me walk in and out of that stall during our random bio breaks. Anyway, I went to
BFF Pooter
I received this email from a friend today: So you want to hear something gross? Remember how I told you I plugged up the toilet that one night? And then Tom had to go out into the freezing cold and buy a plunger, but Walmart didn’t have one, so then