Fizz Fizz Plop Plop

I missed an awesome pooping opportunity, and now I have messed up my bowels. I don’t usually drink Coca Cola (I consume one can every few months, and I rarely finish an entire can), but when I do treat myself to a can of delicious fizzy syrup, it gives me

Double Whammy

I had a pleasant surprise this morning. I stumbled sleepily to the toilet for my morning whiz (with iPad in hand), peed and sat for a little longer while I played Words with Friends. Just as I scored a 108pt word, I shot a torpedo out my butt. The monster

Sunday Funday

I am sitting on the toilet squeezing out a big one as I am typing this entry. I haven’t done a live entry in a while now, it’s kind of fun. I think I just tore my butthole. I have had recent constipation problems, and that last log felt like