Awkward moment of the day: I walked into the bathroom to change into my running clothes and my coworker was dropping a mad stinky deuce. The smell was horrendous. I tried to change as fast as I could and make as much noise as possible so there wasn’t an uncomfortable
Ask the Doctor*
A few people have stumbled on this site because they were searching “how to get rid of turtle head pain.” Hehehe.. sorry, but that’s funny. My advice* on how to get rid of turtle head pain is to take a dump. If you can’t take a dump because you’re constipated,
Mass Exodus
It came. The mudslide I’ve been waiting for since last Friday has finally exited my butt. I’ve have a few mediocre turds since then, but nothing satisfactory. This morning’s poo session was glorious. At first it oozed out slowly, then it picked up the pace and started sputtering. My butt