When I’m about to drop a phat turd, I get splash anxiety. I know from past experiences (and common sense) that when I shit a brick, it’ll fall hard and toilet water will splash all over my cheeks. When I’m dumping in a public restroom, I will line the top
Revenge of the Toilet
My friend was traveling by bus from NYC to DC. He’s a bigger germaphobe than I am when it comes to public restrooms, and I think it’s quite silly. I imagine if he had to squat or sit on a public toilet to urinate like I do, he’d probably start
Poo Scale
I had the best pooping day last Saturday. It started off that morning with a mediocre dump shortly after I woke up. Then after lunch I dumped another couple little logs. After dinner I started feeling diarrhea pains and I pooped another solid log. About thirty minutes later, I started