I took a fat juicy dump and looked in the toilet to admire my creation. To my horror I saw that my poo was a pinkish red color. About three quarters of the poo looked like it was coated with Pepto-Bismol. I thought it was blood and freaked out. As
toilet paper
The Art of Wipe
How you wipe your butt is very important when hygiene is concerned. It is also very important when saving the planet from tree extinction. Best wiping practices clean your fartbox with minimal toilet paper use. This is true even with wet, sputtering diarrhea dumps. First of all, don’t crumple the
Bathroom Newb
I walked into the office bathroom to pee and to change into my workout clothes. I made a bathroom newb mistake of not paying attention to my surroundings after I hung up my gym bag and stepped towards the toilet. Then I heard it. A wet footstep. My shoe was