
I was talking to a friend about how much toilet paper we each use after a dump. I told him I try to conserve as much toilet paper as I can, usually folding my sheets two to three times before I’m completely clean and throwing it into the toilet bowl.

Bad Dream

I think I have an unhealthy fear of dirty public bathrooms. I often have reoccurring dreams where I’m not at home and need to pee very badly, so I find a public restroom. They all look about the same in my dreams.. they are dark, dingy, and dirty. In the

You are what you eat

I haven’t been able to poop for the last couple of days. I haven’t changed my diet or daily routine lately, so I’m not sure what’s causing my butt to clog up. I figured since the avocado was making my poo flaky, maybe it was now solidifying it and keeping