I have no self control when it comes to snacks. If you give me a giant bag of chips, I will sit there and stuff my face until the bag is empty. I don’t eat it all out of hunger, I just can’t stop shoving food into my mouth when
stomach ache
Liquefied Biskits
My digestive system is starting to get used to the destructive powers of delicious Chicken in a Biskit. Instead of waiting a few hours to experience intense abdominal pain and explosive diarrhea, my butt detonates only an hour after finishing a box. It starts with an acute punch in my
Terrific Tuesday
Looks like I am back to my normal pooping schedule thanks to my magical celery. I made a nice one this morning in the pot. But why was I constipated in the first place? I think it had to do with all the candy I was eating the past few