I like to use the handicap stall at the office when I have to poop. The stall is bigger and offers more comfort during my prolonged bathroom visit. If it’s a mega big stinky poo, I usually do a courtesy flush in case someone walks into the bathroom as I’m
It’s Tearing Up My Butt When I’m With You
I hadn’t pooped in three days, and during those three days I was eating nothing but meat. I finally pooped this morning, and it was a doozy. It also hurt like a motherf@*$er coming out, too. Three big boulders. One for each day I didn’t poop. Each one I strained
Nightmare Come True
Seems like my nightmares of late have come true. I had to pee so badly yesterday. I couldn’t hold it any longer, so I was forced to use the public restroom… at WALMART of all places. The bathroom was just how I pictured it: dirty, smelly, toilet paper all over