Not only did I create a massive mud pie this morning, my butt also produced a side of cream corn this afternoon. I didn’t eat any corn last night or for lunch today, but whatever came out of my butt just now looked a lot like yellow kernels swimming in
Beer Shits
I have never been a fan of alcoholic drinks. #1- I don’t like the taste of alcohol. #2- Alcohol gives me the beer shits. It doesn’t matter what kind of beverage I consume. Beer, wine, mixed drinks, cocktails.. the alcohol does not sit well with my insides, and by the
Bow Wow Wow!
My dog’s poops have been unbelievably ginormous these past few days. He is a small dog (about 15lbs), but his shits of late look like they came from a rottweiler. I am a petite girl, so I have small hands. It is really hard to pick up his poops with