More Bathroom Awkwardness

I had to poop, so I did my usual sit-at-my-desk-and-hold-in-my-poop-until-the-last-second move. When I was ready to poo, I walked to the bathroom. I was wearing my jingle shoes again, but it didn’t matter because I was going to sit, shit, and return to my desk in less than three minutes.

Poop Party

As soon as I put on my cute little jumper this morning before work, I knew it was a bad idea, but I wore it anyway. 11am rolls around and I need to take my morning dump. I go to my usual bathroom, but someone is in there already shitting

New Love

I’ve been on a probiotic yogurt diet for the past few days, and I think I’m in love. My butt is in love would be a more accurate statement. The yogurt gives me the softest poopies ever (goodbye, Mango dumps!). And a whole lot of it, too. This morning I