The other night I drank milk and wine and went to the bathroom three times. Later on we went to a bar, and I was still super gassy. I thought I could fart ’cause it was loud in there. Well, nobody could hear it, but I was reminded that farts
Fist Pumps for Farts
I went shopping at the sports store with my boyfriend, and I had to fart. It was the tiniest of farts. Barely a whisper, and so small that I almost felt nothing breeze through my butt cheeks. But as soon as I released that pinch of a toot, my boyfriend
Killer Burrito Farts
I was stretching at my desk and inhaled deeply when my cubemate farted an SBD. His poisonous gases reached my face just as I was taking a deep breath, and the fumes when straight into my mouth and into my lungs. I gasped for air and thought the smell would