a lady came into the bathroom, stood by the sink, farted out all the wet beans she ate for lunch and left. it was very strange and bizarre. how do i know this? i was standing next to the sink when she did it. thanks, lady.
public restroom
sneaking a poo
i hate it when i need to take a dump, and there is a group of guys sitting in the lobby next to the public restroom. i feel like they’re timing my bathroom usage.. under 2 minutes i’m peeing. over 2 minutes i’m pooing. its embarrassing to know that other
performance anxiety
its never fun to poo in a public bathroom with an audience. i had to go badly, and there was someone already in the middle stall. i took the adjacent stall (there are only 3), and i plopped my ass down on the toilet seat (don’t worry, i used seat