I have really smelly poops. I personally think they smell as normal as any other poop, but according to my dog, the smell is unbearable. My dog loves to sniff his own poo, sniff other dogs’ poo, hell.. he even likes to lick dog poo. But when he comes around
I had a really dissatisfying poop the other day. I don’t know how I get these poops, but it’s the kind where the poo balls don’t completely fuse into log form yet, and you end up dropping little poo cannon balls into the toilet. The size of my balls (hehe)
You are what you eat
I haven’t been able to poop for the last couple of days. I haven’t changed my diet or daily routine lately, so I’m not sure what’s causing my butt to clog up. I figured since the avocado was making my poo flaky, maybe it was now solidifying it and keeping