I am in a bit of a Shanna obsession right now. Since I didn’t start this blog until the end of 2009, I don’t have the first Shanna skit linked on my site. Well, I went on the internets and searched for it. Click on the image below for your
Bow Wow Wow!
My dog’s poops have been unbelievably ginormous these past few days. He is a small dog (about 15lbs), but his shits of late look like they came from a rottweiler. I am a petite girl, so I have small hands. It is really hard to pick up his poops with
I made the most disgusting piece of poop this morning. As I was about to wipe, I peeked into the bowl and was horrified to see a turd in the shape of a dead toad. It was a ginormous, distorted-looking croaked dookie-toad. Real frogs are already hideous. One made out