Poots and Toots would like to wish you and your stinky loved ones a happy and prosperous new year! Eat healthy and make ginourmous poops. Fart and laugh loud and often. Each poop is fun and unique. Treasure your bowel movements! Happy New Year!
I looked like a fool with my pants on the ground
I flew yesterday, and of course, I had the squirts. I guess I was especially nervous about flying because of all the crappy weather that’s been going on, so my intestinal gurgling started a day before my flight. I pooped out a long, mushy and skinny log that measured about
Merry Christmas, Everybudday!
From all of us (well, just me) at Poots and Toots, Merry Merry Christmas! May all your poops be rich and heavy, but non-clogging and kind to your toilets. May your farts be loud, boombastic and totally stinky if you plan to lay one on an unsuspecting loved one. Have