My skin has been cracking and peeling due to the dry weather from the cold. I thought it only affected areas of my skin that were exposed to the cold.. hands, face, legs. Apparently not. I was at the office pushing out a big one. I was in a hurry,
Attack of the Four Month Old Baby
Babies got bass. Ass bass. I was holding my friend’s four month old baby, and he farted in my arms. I wasn’t a little cute squeaker of a baby toot. It was a full on adult-sized man fart. It was loud, long, bubbly, rumble-y, and it had bass. Booming bass.
Jar o Farts
I pooped a really big poop. It felt good to get all that junk out of me, especially the peanut butter. Then I farted 20 minutes later, and to my surprise, it smelled like I didn’t poop at all. Curses, peanut butter!! It’s going to take a few days of