Sigh. Again.

I accomplished many things this morning and through the afternoon. I had meetings with clients, I chatted with coworkers around the office water cooler, I met with my boss to go over paperwork, and I walked to and from the deli to get lunch. Overall, a lot of friendly, positive


Sometimes my mind is not in the right place.. I stare into space and before I know it, 10 minutes has already gone by. Other times my mind will wander off while I’m doing something, and when I’ve finished my task I don’t have a clue what I just did.

Sad Anus

I did it again. I tore myself a new one. This time it wasn’t because of the dry climate. I had just made a log in the toilet, but it didn’t feel like I was completely finished with my poo session. I had one more turd left to push, except