PooPoo Skin

My friends know me too well. Here is a text I received the other day: You know how sometimes if you don’t flush soon enough, your poop will leave a skid mark at the bottom of the toilet? Well after I flushed my poop, my son flushed it again and


Have you guys heard of the famous Cronut™? It’s a hybrid of a croissant and doughnut filled with cream and topped with a sweet glaze that takes three days to make. People line up for the confection sometimes at 5am to get a bite when the bakery opens at 8am.


My friend was telling me a story about how he was at a dinner party. He felt a little discomfort in his stomach, let out a little fart, and excused himself to the bathroom. After he dropped his trousers to sit on the toilet, he found out that he didn’t