Bathroom Buddies

I went to poop in the office bathroom, and when I sat down a lady colleague sat in the adjacent stall. We both opened our orifices at the same time and released our waste simultaneously; she peed and I pooped. She peed a long, steady stream, and my poo log

Some Ragret.

I’m visiting my parents this weekend. They took me out to dinner tonight, and since I have an extra cheat meal, I ordered a lot of food. The amount was probably equivalent to what I’d normally eat if I wasn’t on my pre-wedding diet, but since I’ve been on portion

No Ragrets.

I purchased a 1 1/2 lb package of chicken thighs at the grocery store, and I cooked it all for lunch today. I planned to eat only 1/2 lb for lunch since I’m on my pre-wedding diet, 1/2 lb for dinner, and the last 1/2 lb for lunch tomorrow. The