I have been spewing soft serve poopies for the last four days. I have not changed my diet, so I’m not sure what’s causing my mushy, whipped poops, but it’s nice that it’s not stretching my bunghole (like my usual poops) when I push ’em out. You’re welcome for that
Terrible Tuesday
I ran six miles, and I had to poo the entire time. Yep. Monster turtle head. Somehow towards the end of my sixth mile, the turtle retracted it’s head. So when I went to poo immediately after my run (I usually like to wait ’til I dry the sweat off
I was talking to a friend about how much toilet paper we each use after a dump. I told him I try to conserve as much toilet paper as I can, usually folding my sheets two to three times before I’m completely clean and throwing it into the toilet bowl.