
My jet lag has had an adverse effect on my L-Carnitine pooping powers. I didn’t have a bowel movement until three days after I came back home, and that first poo was a small, unsatisfactory piece of turd. The subsequent turds over the next couple of days were also small

Pop a Squat

Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a while. I was travelling. Usually when I travel, I have travel constipation. But not this time. I took my L-Carnitine with me, and it was poo central everyday. I also went to a land where Indian food was good and plentiful, so along with

Awesome Sauce

I am still taking the awesome sauce that is L-Carnitine.* My poo sessions are clockwork every morning. I wake up without a bowel movement, but as soon as I sit on the toilet for my morning pee, my anus opens and dumps massive amounts of crap into the toilet. I