My friend is a manager at a grocery store. She deals with a lot of interesting customers, but there is rarely a time when she has to kick a person out. The store restroom has two toilets. A lady came into the store to use it. One stall was already
Poo Goddess
The poo gods have been kind to me this week. I’ve been pooping at least twice a day everyday. But I’m sure it has something to do with the red river goddess. Yep, it’s that time of month again when she comes to visit for a week. And it was
I like to poop
I just discovered the secret to pooping: Eat. A lot. (Duh!) I have been dieting and maintaining my weight for the past month. Result? Mega constipation. Last night I ate a five pound slab of chicken fried chicken. Result? Five pounds of glorious poo this morning. Though I don’t recommend