Why is it that when you have to pee and poo at the same time, the turd has to completely exit the butt before any urine starts flowing? Or is that just me? No matter how badly I have to pee if my urge to poop is equal, the sphincter gets priority
Pee Pee Period Panties
Have you guys heard about these period panties from THINX? You can basically forgo wearing tampons (if you flow lightly), pads and pantyliners while you’re spewin’ red down there. The most absorbent version (the Hiphugger) can carry up to two tampons worth.The first couple days of my period are the heaviest.
My Hiatus
Hi Friends, It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. It’s not because I haven’t pooped since May. I’ve pooped loads. It’s because I got pregnant, but that was a good thing. I was waiting for my three months to clear so I could share with you my pregnant-body colon stories.