I was stretching at my desk and inhaled deeply when my cubemate farted an SBD. His poisonous gases reached my face just as I was taking a deep breath, and the fumes when straight into my mouth and into my lungs. I gasped for air and thought the smell would
TP for my Bunghole
I went to the office bathroom to tinkle, and someone was pooping in my usual stall. Instead of using the stall next to her, I used the stall two down from her so our bare butts wouldn’t be only two feet apart. Also, nobody wants to sit next to an
Ninja Farts
I was chatting with my friend online when he suddenly messaged: “OMG I HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT!!” Then right at that moment I smelled something that smelled like shit. I was thinking, “OMG I can SMELL your shit!!” until I realized it was my cubemate that just farted. Damn