I have been spewing soft serve poopies for the last four days. I have not changed my diet, so I’m not sure what’s causing my mushy, whipped poops, but it’s nice that it’s not stretching my bunghole (like my usual poops) when I push ’em out. You’re welcome for that
Yellow Sailors on a Brown Boat
I am always excited to see my poopies after I eat a meal with a side of corn. I had a spicy dish with my corn, so the poop came out hot and mushy. The corn was nicely embedded into the turds, but because the logs were soft, kernels were
Period Power
I love being on the rag. No, seriously, I do. I can always tell when I’m about to start my monthly ritual of non-stop blood squirting when my body releases ginormous amounts of poop. It usually means two to three trips to the bathroom a day unloading massive quantities of