I missed an awesome pooping opportunity, and now I have messed up my bowels. I don’t usually drink Coca Cola (I consume one can every few months, and I rarely finish an entire can), but when I do treat myself to a can of delicious fizzy syrup, it gives me
Pop a Squat
Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a while. I was travelling. Usually when I travel, I have travel constipation. But not this time. I took my L-Carnitine with me, and it was poo central everyday. I also went to a land where Indian food was good and plentiful, so along with
Everything’s Gone Green
Does eating Lucky Charms cereal, particularly the green clovers marshmallows (not alone but along with the rest of the cereal) turn your poop green? I just went number three (diarrhea) and it was green. Really green. Grass green. It even turned the toilet water a tint of puke green. I