Most of my poopies are in the shape of logs (or sludge) and they are dark brown. This morning I made a long coiled snakey poop, and it was the color of milk chocolate. Usually it’s the size and shape of my dookies that make me proud, but seeing that
Poopie Foodie
Taking a big dump is always a huge satisfaction. Taking a big dump and seeing recognizable traces of food you recently ate embedded in the dump is an even bigger satisfaction and exhilarating accomplishment. Last week I ate an excessive amount of squash. Later in the day I saw pieces
Toilet Rarr!
I love taking dumps at work (in the bathroom, not in my office). This is strange considering my public bathroom phobia. The cleaning lady usually finishes scrubbing down the toilets around 11am, and that is my favorite time to poop because the seats are polished and there is no crusty