I was at a dinner party last night. After the meal, the host served ice cream. I am lactose intolerant so it was obvious that I should have declined dessert. But who can say no to ice cream?! Not me!!!! I had three scoops. It was three scoops too many.
lactose intolerant
Farty Ol’ Me
My lack of tolerance for all things dairy as set in 100%. I had a sip of milk about 2 hours ago. I am literally on the crapper right now squirting out my dairy diarrhea as I type. It’s never been this bad before. It must have something to do
Travel Log
Apologies on my end for not updating you on my dumps as of late. I was on holiday and went out of the country. And naturally from my stress of flying, like clockwork, I had the runs 10 minutes before boarding my plane. That was a blessing in disguise because