Bloated Yoga

I made the mistake of eating a pint of ice cream before yoga. Normally, eating anything before yoga makes me bloated and upsets my stomach as I’m yoga-ing. I am lactose intolerant, so eating ice cream was a double No-No (a No not just before working out, but a No

Evil Cheese

My digestive system is fickle when it comes to dairy. Sometimes I can consume massive amounts of it and my bowels will be fine. Other times it feels like I am about to birth the prince of darkness from my anus. The latter was the case when I had a

I am a Lady

I was at my boyfriend’s place eating dinner and watching TV. We had ice cream for dessert. My inability to digest lactose had my intestines gurgling and filling up with gas. I didn’t want to fart next to him because I knew it would be stinky (I’m a really nice