Does eating Lucky Charms cereal, particularly the green clovers marshmallows (not alone but along with the rest of the cereal) turn your poop green? I just went number three (diarrhea) and it was green. Really green. Grass green. It even turned the toilet water a tint of puke green. I
Is it time to poop yet?
I am sitting at my desk and my butt feels hot. I think I am about to have the squirts, but I am swamped with work. All the stress of deadlines at work is contributing to my upcoming green apple splatters. That office toilet seat would really come in hand
You are what you eat
I haven’t been able to poop for the last couple of days. I haven’t changed my diet or daily routine lately, so I’m not sure what’s causing my butt to clog up. I figured since the avocado was making my poo flaky, maybe it was now solidifying it and keeping