I was at the gym on Sunday. It’s usually pretty crowded on the weekends, and I had a spot on the TRX. There was a guy behind me doing some intense ab workouts on the floor. Halfway through my exercise I hear the loudest, bubbliest, wettest anal anthem behind me.
Pass the Savasana
I did it. I farted in yoga class the other day. I wasn’t even doing a downward dog or any pose with my privates in the air. It was at the end of class during Savasana, also known as final relaxation. The room was dead quiet, everyone lying on their
I have been going to yoga, and it’s been doing wonders for my intestines. Every stretch or bend, I feel like I am moving around and loosening up my bowels. This is great in that it helps me poo more regularly. But in class it’s not so great when I’m