i love my dog. he went into the other room to fart because he knows i don’t like his stinkiness. he’s so considerate! i can still smell it from here though, but ill keep it to myself so he doesnt feel bad. i should really stop feeding him fruit.
fart or queef?
how do you know if you’ve heard a fart or a queef? you’ll know by the smell it produces. some women have no shame after the bathroom stall doors are closed. they’ll let loose and go at it with their odorous releases. hello.. i can still hear you in the
myth: you can’t smell a fart on a plane
everyone thinks you can’t smell a fart on the plane– so false. they smell THE WORST on planes because there is nowhere to go or hide from the hellacious stench of a foul bowel. imagine sitting in a window seat. the guy in the middle farts, and it smells like