I bought a big bag of ranch Corn Nuts and started eating them at my desk. I didn’t want to get ranch flavoring on my fingers, so I used a spoon. Bad idea. Each spoonful contained about six pieces of Corn Nuts. Before I knew it, I was scooping the
I bought a big bag of ranch Corn Nuts and started eating them at my desk. I didn’t want to get ranch flavoring on my fingers, so I used a spoon. Bad idea. Each spoonful contained about six pieces of Corn Nuts. Before I knew it, I was scooping the
Dangit. My coworker that I share a cube with just farted a nasty stinky one, and I am eating breakfast. This is a sign of a bad work week. Curse you, Monday!
You don’t have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you have to be stupid not to. — Louis C.K.