Break Up

I went out of town over the weekend, and my buddy, Travel Constipation, followed. TC hung out with me the entire time, never leaving my side (or my insides). He held on to me (everything I ate), and when I tried to push him away (or out), he refused (farted).

Fart Fwd

My mom sends me junk email forwards like it’s her job. Most of them are useless, but today’s Fwd actually made me laugh. Thanks, mom. I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed

Whoopie Baby

Have you ever heard a 3 week old baby fart? It is quite amazing how such a small dainty creature can push out a loud, forceful whoopie cushion-like wind. I thought the fart came from my friend, mother of said baby, but she blamed it on the little newborn. She