I had a bit of a stomach ache after lunch. I ate two very cheesy gnocchi and risotto dishes, so I figured the dairy was giving me gas pains. Despite the discomfort, I was still able to work and run some errands around the city. I farted a few times
Shake Shack Intestinal Attack
I have made a terrible revelation. I cannot digest Shake Shack burgers, or at least the ones at the Grand Central location. The first time I had a burger at there, I ended up with explosive diarrhea. And just recently the second time I had it.. diarrhea again. Perhaps it
Happy New Year!
There aren’t that many public restrooms in NYC, so when you have the squirts you are basically shit out of luck in finding a bathroom. This is especially true around the holidays when the city is even more over-populated with tourists, and everyone is crowded into the one bathroom that