I ate an entire box of Chicken in a Biskit yesterday, and last night I had violent explosive diarrhea. It started off as a fast intense pain in my abdomen, which felt like an alien kicking my insides trying to bust through my stomach. That lasted a few minutes until
Is it time to poop yet?
I am sitting at my desk and my butt feels hot. I think I am about to have the squirts, but I am swamped with work. All the stress of deadlines at work is contributing to my upcoming green apple splatters. That office toilet seat would really come in hand
Brown Christmas
Hope everyone had a pleasant and wonderful Christmas. I went to a friend’s for a little get together. The house was nicely decorated. The food smelled wonderful. The Christmas spirit was in the air. Until I went to use the guest bathroom. I went to relieve myself with #1, and