Does eating Lucky Charms cereal, particularly the green clovers marshmallows (not alone but along with the rest of the cereal) turn your poop green? I just went number three (diarrhea) and it was green. Really green. Grass green. It even turned the toilet water a tint of puke green. I
Diarrhea Buffet
I was having dinner with a friend of mine, and she brought her cute five month old baby. If you’ve read a previous post of mine, I think you can figure out what happened. We were eating. She wanted to be held. She pooped. It went up her backside. Her
Attack of the Four Month Old Baby
Babies got bass. Ass bass. I was holding my friend’s four month old baby, and he farted in my arms. I wasn’t a little cute squeaker of a baby toot. It was a full on adult-sized man fart. It was loud, long, bubbly, rumble-y, and it had bass. Booming bass.