I was at a restaurant with my friend, and she went to use the bathroom a few minutes before I did. When I walked into the ladies’ room, the air was thick with diarrhea smell, and I could hear my friend gagging for air. Her gasps were so horrible I
I made #3 (diarrhea) today. No biggie, except it would not flush down the toilet. So much came out that I guess the weight of it caked itself on the bottom of the toilet bowl under the surface of the water. I thought two flushes would get at least 99.9%
It wasn’t me
Another case of mistaken identity. I went into the office bathroom to go #1, and as soon as I stepped in, the smell hit me. Someone diarrhea’d, and she diarrhea’d hard. The smell was almost unbearable, but I really had to pee. So I tinkled as fast as I could,