Some advice: don’t drink San Pellegrino Limonata right before going to bed (especially on an empty stomach). It’s a sparkling, carbonated and very acidic beverage. It’s delicious and refreshing, but it bubbled right from when it entered my mouth, throughout my stomach and into my intestines, and it continued to
My jet lag has had an adverse effect on my L-Carnitine pooping powers. I didn’t have a bowel movement until three days after I came back home, and that first poo was a small, unsatisfactory piece of turd. The subsequent turds over the next couple of days were also small
Pop a Squat
Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a while. I was travelling. Usually when I travel, I have travel constipation. But not this time. I took my L-Carnitine with me, and it was poo central everyday. I also went to a land where Indian food was good and plentiful, so along with