It came. The mudslide I’ve been waiting for since last Friday has finally exited my butt. I’ve have a few mediocre turds since then, but nothing satisfactory. This morning’s poo session was glorious. At first it oozed out slowly, then it picked up the pace and started sputtering. My butt
Awesome Sauce
I am still taking the awesome sauce that is L-Carnitine.* My poo sessions are clockwork every morning. I wake up without a bowel movement, but as soon as I sit on the toilet for my morning pee, my anus opens and dumps massive amounts of crap into the toilet. I
Hump day Dump day
Online chatting while at the office is not a good idea. I learned that this morning. I had to take a monster dump, so I was LOLing with my friend about how my bowels were all twisty and about how badly I wanted to fart and take a big badass