i was in the bathroom washing my hands when a coworker came in to pee. she took the stall closest to the sinks, unzipped and peed. she peed hard. the sound of her pee hitting the toilet was hard and frothy. it sounded like she was carving her face into
i went to pee in the office bathroom, and i was greeted by the remains of someone’s explosive diarrhea. splashes of it were on the back of the toilet seat and the wall. good grief, what the heck did this person eat for lunch? while i was admiring the work
we are family
as i was in the bathroom making my submarines, someone walked in and took a stall two down from me. i didnt know who it was, nor did i care, but as soon as she unzipped and sat down, her butt tooted a familiar note and i knew which coworker